Those who know me on a personal level know that I'm a person that likes to stay motivated. I set goals and pursue them like an animal. As an optimist I believe that everything is achievable by creating lists, staying organized, and keeping a clean work space.
One of the most important things that I have been pursing is my education. I have been going to school non-stop for the last eight years. Yes, you read that statement correctly. These past eight years have been both a blessing and curse.
This summer was the first 123 days that I had all to myself. During this time, I had days of crazy wild fun, and moments of reflection where I asked myself hard questions. In these 123 days I learnt 10 very valuable lessons that deserve to be shared. =)
1. Promptness shows respect.
2. Always, always, always trust your gut instinct. This instinct can save you a lot of grief.
3. Unrequited love is not only foolish, it is also creepy and stalkerish.
4. Knowing how to cook is one of the most invaluable skills you can have.
5. You should know within the first fifteen five minutes of meeting a guy if there is a connection, if not, take it for what it is worth and move on.
6. Eating greasy foods is like cheating on one's boyfriend. You’re usually tipsy, it feels great in the moment, but you regret it instantly.
7. Karma exist. When she comes around be prepared for a round of hurting.
8. When it comes to relationships don't always let logic and reasoning rule your life. It is acceptable to succumb to your emotions and hormones. Before proceeding to doing what "feels right" foreshadow the consequences, and then you won't have any regrets.
9. You eat the seeds you sow. If you don’t like something about your situation, change it. Don't wallow in self pity. It’s much easier than you think, and very satisfying.
10. Never take your parents, siblings, and friends for granted. Appreciate the people in your life because they could slip away at any moment.
I'm sorry that I don't have anything revolutionary to say. However, I can tell you that life is short but it is good. When approaching any situation remember: clear eyes, full hearts; can't lose now! :)
Wow! You have an old soul. And this is a very inspiring post. =)
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Those are pretty deep statements. You need to post more of your insights. =)
Oww, owwww. You are extremely soulful, girl. Way to go!
I have even more mad respect for you now! I give you e-props. ;)
You are very reflexive. You know your strengths and you are aware of your weaknesses.
MOAR lists please!
You are so hardcore! ;)
Blog on my friend! =)
Genious! I can see that you degree in Anth. and Soci. is paying off. :P
Wow! Open confirmation that you are a workaholic? ;) I can vouch that this girl if she decides to do something, she will pursue it relentlessly until it is done, and that it is done well. Great post; it is very personal, deept and meaningful.
I heart your list. Can you do more of these, please and thanks!
Haha, thanks everyone for the warm compliments. I try my best.
I will try to put up another list soon...just a preview it will be entitled '22 Things I Learnt As A 22 Year Old'.
Cheers! =)
Sounds like you have a formula to happiness!
Very witty list you have! You need to do more. =)
I love this post! Love it, love it, love it! ^___^
You are a brilliant mix of humor, cuteness and intelligence. Margaret, you are fabulous!
I wish I could express myself like you. This post is so thoughtful, and it is written with so much passion. <3
This entry is so relatable! Haha, i feel so much closer to you. =)
Hey Margaret!
I'm a long time lurker/follower of your blog. But it's my first time posting, hehe.
I love your blog! Thanks very much for sharing your personal photos, thoughts on life, and reviews. I like to browsing your page; it helps me relax, and feel connected to someone. I have really appreciate your all hard work. =)
This entry is hot, hot, hot!
Any 20 something year old can definitely relate to these experiences...
These words of wisdom that really deserve big e- props/ or e-cookies. =)
I should not laugh so hard at number three. But I am ;)
You weren't kidding when you say that you are a planner. I really admire and respect that you know what you want and how to achieve it. You go girl!
Oh Margaret! You are so true to your words. I wish there are more people like you! So genuine, and loveable.
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