Friday, August 12, 2011

DIY Pepermint and Green Tea Body Care

Okay, I did enough ranting about movies this past week...It's time to return to my normal entries. =)

After reading Slow Death by a Rubber Duck: How the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Life Affects Our Health by Rick Smith, Bruce Lourie and Sara Dopp for my Human Behaviour and Environment class I started making some of my own beatuy products.  This way I can minimize the amount of toxic chemicals that go into my body and also get more out of my money.


*A big bag of fresh papermint leaves from the grocery store


Photobucket Photobucket
*Your choice of peppermint or green tea

Uses of Peppermint Tea and Green Tea

1.) Aside from drinking they make great facial toners they control oily skin.

Instructions: Soak one tea bag or fresh peppermint leaves  in hot water and then let the tea cool. Then take the tea bag or leaves out of the tea and gently dab or run the tea bag over oily spots on your face. Discard the tea bags.  Let the tea dry on your face and then wash it off. People who oily skin can use this regimen twice a week, and people with combination skin should use this once a week.

*Condensed green tea toner

 *Peppermint tea toner

 *Fresh peppermint toner

2.) I put tea into a spritzer and spray it in my hair when it's greasy and limp to get they "umph" or volume in my hair.

Instructions:  Soak two tea bags or the leaves in hot water and then let the tea cool. Then pour the tea in a spritzer, which can be purchased at a dollar store. You can spray the tea water in your hair when it's dry or wet. Discard the bottle of tea water after a week. 

3.) You can also soak your feet in the tea to get rid of any odors.

Instructions:  Soak two tea bags or the leaves in hot water and then let the tea cool until it's luke warm. Take out the tea bags and discard.  Then soak your tired feet in the tub. The treatment can be a bit drying to the skin so don't forget to moisturize!

*Peppermint tea bath for my tired and sore feet


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